Industrial steam boilers
At CERNEY, we specialise in designing and manufacturing large high-performance pyrotubular boilers to produce steam. We offer individualised solutions for every customer, adapting to their actual needs and covering a wide range up to 38 MW of thermal power.
At CERNEY, we calculate, design, manufacture, install and commission our own steam boilers. We also have complementary accessory equipment for industrial boilers.
Types of Cerney industrial steam boilers

Steam boilers
STEAM is Cerney’s main area of expertise and the reason for our company. From a small industrial firm requiring an industrial steam boiler in its production process, through to large power industrial steam boiler plants that need steam seals for turbines, or applications to recover steam heat from engine or turbine exhaust gases.
And without forgetting the hybrid boilers that can operate at the same time with gas recovery or with a liquid or gaseous fuel burner.
We manufacture steam boilers tailored to each customised situation. Contact us for information about your project.
We manufacture the steam boiler you need
At Cerney, we prioritise customisation and reject the idea of a standardised boiler design. Instead, we specialise in developing and manufacturing steam boilers that are tailored to meet your individual requirements. We will therefore advise you on your project and offer you what we think you need, without any obligation.
Types of industrial steam boilers
At CERNEY, we calculate, design, manufacture, install and commission our own steam boilers.
We also have complementary accessory equipment for industrial boilers.
We are looking for partners, not customers, and we sell solutions tailored to each situation and production plant, not products. Contact us if you need more than just a boiler.
Contact us
You can write to us with any questions you may have, and we will be pleased to get back to you as soon as possible.